Meet Your Astrologer Friend
Being a person is complicated. In a world that expects you to be one thing, I aim to use the language of the stars to shed light on all of the beautiful complexities and contradictions that are your divine birthright. Together we will find the affirmation to embody your radical authenticity through self-empathy and self-understanding.
A cloud of cosmic space dust zipped into a human suit.
Hi! I am Your Astrologer Friend, Jordan. Here to bring the wisdom of the cosmos to you! I’m an astrologer, intuitive, cosmic coach, and everyone’s favorite Aquarius Sun, Leo Moon, Gemini Rising.
From an early age, I felt a strong pull towards the stars. Looking up into the night sky filled me with an inexplicable sense of belonging. After receiving my first astrology reading at 16-years old, the comfort and validation that came from meeting myself on a cosmic level never left me. Though many years passed and I remained an admirer of the sky and nothing more. Until the auspicious day of my Saturn Return, Saturn swooped through and ushered me into adulthood by stripping away the old identities I had outgrown and revealed the path paved for me. That day, I woke up that day as an actor, as I had my entire life, and went to sleep as an astrologer. It was as simple and complicated as that. From then on, I have been studying diligently, guided by the mentorship of Astrologer Ambi Kavanaugh, founder of Soulstrology. Where I am now a resident expert of Ambi’s cosmic collective, creating astrology content for the Soulstrology community. I call on my years of acting experience and storytelling skills to speak to the hearts of my clients, sharing with them the narrative of their personal astrology. I continue to seek deeper wisdom by studying a number of astrological techniques, from both modern and traditional approaches. As a life learner, I know my education is never done. Though, my greatest gift lives in my intuitive understanding of the cosmos. I allow my intuition to be my guiding light, in my work and in my life, because that’s where the magic is.
Like any good Aquarian, I want nothing less than to change the world. At my core, I understand that the choice to live in alignment and embody purpose is a revolutionary act. I am passionate about leading the charge into the future, armed with cosmic awareness and radical, unapologetic authenticity... and I want to bring you on the journey with me.
To the moon, my friends!