The Moon as a Doorway into Astrology

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The practice of getting to know the moon intimately, is also a practice in knowing yourself intimately.

When the moon is in Leo, I am feeeeeling myself. When the moon is in Pisces, my dreams are vivid af. When the moon is in Cancer, I feel anxious.

People often ask me the best ways to start tracking the energy of the cosmos in their lives, and I say that the first step is to look to the moon. As the closest and fastest moving celestial body, the moon has easily the most obvious effects on us. The moon moves through signs every 2.5 days and rapidly changes phases as she completes a 28-day cycle around the zodiac.

The moon rules the flow of our emotions and the environment of our inner world. In many ways, the moon is our relationship to our deepest self. 

For me, tracking my emotional patterns over the course of the moon cycle look like this: 

  • Being present.

  • Noticing what I feel.

  • Making a note of said feel.

  • Making note of where the moon is.

  • Repeat regularly.

I’m a journaler, so I keep all my moon data in my journal. But do whatever works for you; a note in your phone, voice memos, a running feelings list on your fridge, etc. 

A simple google of “what sign is the moon in today” will be your best friend for this practice.

This is not a one-and-done sort of deal. Give it six months to a year to really get acquainted with these patterns as the phases of the moon will have their own layers of impact. Over time you’ll find that you’ve collected empowering and insightful data of the cycles and phases of your inner world. This information is a tool for radical self-empathy, allowing space for your inner world to be what it is without expecting it to be different. Dedicating some time and energy to this practice will allow you to know what you're working with so you can work it before it works you.


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